Greek Life

And it starts…

So there have been some events this week that have stirred things up on the NPHC front. SO while I was in college, I was President and Vice president of NPHC. In the Vice Presidential role, my main role was to be chair of the judicial branch. If anything went down in the chapters as...Read More

New Internet Addiction

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So…yeah. Tell me why I stayed up ALL NIGHT reading this nonsense?! It’s a fictional story about Greek Life at “Ahlpa University.” It’s mostly about phirst phammers as it was originally posted on the now defunct, but other orgs are included as well. The cast of characters are a bit over the top…each person...Read More

It’s Neverending!

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Ladies and Gentlemen… I am now officially a PROPHYTE! (Finally after almost three years, lol). I would like to welcome 6 new phenomenal ladies to a NEVERENDING legacy of women. A.M.C. 6! Special shout out to one of my blog readers DJ (#1) and my ism, #3! I’m SO proud of both of you!l New...Read More
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