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Would you believe that I’ve actually kept up all these new health things I’ve been trying lately?


I’ve been doing juice from half a lemon in warm water every morning for about a month now. It took a few weeks for things to start purging and my skin was like WTF?! Breakout of tons of tiny bumps across my forehead and some situations on my cheeks. Thankfully though, I’m absolutely sure things have peaked now. Forehead is clearing up and the big boys have calmed down on my cheeks (left side clear, right side on the way). I’m thinking I’ll be mostly in the clear by this time next week. Overall skin is really soft too! Not even just my face!

I also increased the half a lemon to a whole lemon starting yesterday just to see. Definitely more purging on the body side…

Not the skin, but the body.

If you know what I mean…*sets up computer station in the bathroom*

Tried it again this morning. I don’t know if it’s just me or even if it’s a placebo thing, but I feel like I smell clean somehow. (Not to say I don’t usually, lol, but it’s a noticeable fresh feeling).

They say lemon cleans out your liver and digestive system and thangs. Acne that isn’t caused by random stuff is actually your body purging toxins. If you clean your body by other means, it becomes less of an issue.

I feel like it’s working for me…will keep going and see where I’m at come end of August.

For the scars I’m doing the burning mask every other day. On the non-mask days, I add lemon juice to the scars over the Epsom salt mask and roll with it overnight.


Makes your body say “yeah”

Body Shop had a big sale a while back and I got a ton of Tea Tree products. I don’t have any issues with body acne, but since I regularly have violations now, had to be more diligent about which cleansers I use. I also picked up pseudo salux cloths from there which does a good job of scrubbing. And this exfoliation product from the place of my violation.

I’ve been keeping up with this as well and it’s working out! This will be easier to maintain too since it’s basically just bathing, but with specific products.

And the exfoliation thing is just to clear up areas for SMOOTH AS BABY BODY PARTS.

I also started eating veggie-tables and fruit more regularly.

Makes your body say “why”

Day 5 of 30 in the Ab and Squat challenge. Today was the first day back after the break. I swear I sometimes feel like “do I really have to do this today” but push myself to do it…especially since my cosplay for DragonCon came in. Everything fits, but it could fit better…especially the Jade one that’s a tad too big in the back.

I was concerned about that one anyway as it’s quite revealing, but it might turn out okay since I’m not particularly curvy so it doesn’t look quite so scandalous. It really looks like a regular swimsuit on me.

So yep! Chugging along! Preparing myself for fall!

(I feel like something big is coming…not sure why…)


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