

I was going to continue my twitter rant on this blog, but I don’t know what else I can say regarding brother in law. I’ll just say the best thing about him is that he’s consistent.

That is…

He consistently SUCKS.

T-20 days until Neo Pumpkin arrives to a present and soon overtaxed mother and totally worthless and un-engaged father.


In happier news…

The highlight of my day is checking the latest comedy shorts on Ins.tagram. I guess they’ve been on vine or whatever for a while, but you get 30 seconds on the gram which is enough time to really create something short and HILARIOUS!

I shall, as a result, share my weekly favorites for here on out! Here’s the first batch!

A video posted by Cornell Ross (@_cornell__) on

A video posted by Duck with 2 Ks (@dukk2) on

A video posted by Duck with 2 Ks (@dukk2) on

A video posted by PatD Lucky 🍀 (@patdlucky) on

A video posted by PatD Lucky 🍀 (@patdlucky) on

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