Huuuuggghhh….Cater to you aftermath


My back is killing me! I’ve been on my feet for the last 12 hours! I need someone to cater to ME…shoot…

So my program went off really well. I was worried that hekka people would come out and that we wouldn’t have enough food, but around 40 came so it was all good. The dudes really enjoyed everything which I’m glad of, I didn’t get to taste any of my cooking, but I heard it was good.

We pulled a Cater to You dance at the end…well..not really. It was more like a SIKE kind of thing. A couple of us picked a couple of dudes and had them sit in chairs. They had the music playing and we started doing a little routine, but then we were like…SIKE YO MIND MAKE YOUR BOOTY SHINE. Apparently my guy didn’t get the memo that he’d been played…but I didn’t exactly mind carrying on a little longer with him…lol…people were like, uh KaNisa…lol…

It’s been about a year for #3 though ya’ll my bad…

Over all, everyone said it was a great program. I’m glad my baby met Nu Beta standards.

After I clean the oven and mop the floor I ain’t doing JACK for the rest of the night…

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