Shows of the Moment


Plodding along with my shows!

Last one I finished and by finished, I mean I watched 75% of the series then read the synopsis for the rest as it got too slow was My Lovely Sam Soon.

Think Bridget Jones diary, the Korean version.

And add in that she’s an accomplished pastriere.

It honestly wasn’t terrible. I was into it for quite a while, but it didn’t have the “just one more episode” quality that my other favorites did.

Still searching for another one like that.

To take a break, last night I watched this on Netflix :

This was a movie…a REALLY GOOD movie!

Japanese this time.

I totally enjoyed it!

Always interested to see how people in other parts of the world live (despite them all being fiction). Even more interesting to see how people in other parts of the world lived in the 70’s.

Really neat movie! 2 hours, but doesn’t seem that long. I also thought the main character had an interesting look to her. I looked her up and turns out she’s a quarter sweedish.

Overall though, still searching for my next Dream High/Moon that Embraces the Sun/Coffee Prince…

A few episodes into Rooftop Prince. I’ll give it one or two more episodes before I roll on.

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