And it starts…


So there have been some events this week that have stirred things up on the NPHC front.

SO while I was in college, I was President and Vice president of NPHC. In the Vice Presidential role, my main role was to be chair of the judicial branch. If anything went down in the chapters as far as hazing, or drinking, or whatever, I would preside over hearings.

(Thankfully nothing did happen.)

As President, I basically knew everybody’s business because I met with the assistant dean and dean of Greek affairs weekly. So I knew if people had lines, if people were being investigated, if people were having random drama.

Given all this proprietary information, I have always been 100% about Greek Unity because I always had to defend the actions of different groups so that they wouldn’t be snatched pretty much. It’s like, we’re all in the same boat, literally, if someone slips up then there would be a hearing and all the rest of us would have to vote on whether or not they’re guilty full knowing that our chapter does the same thing. And I don’t necessarily mean pledging, I talking about things in BGLO culture like maybe the prophyte/neophyte dynamic of how a lot of that relationship can be seen as hazing but really is just deference within the organization and things like that. I can’t count how many times I saved chapters from being interceded by administration…

Also, as far as respect for other chapters goes, when I first crossed, everybody who crossed before us were our prophytes and we were to treat them as such…even the Deltas! We saw one, we had to speak! We were to think of them as a brother or sister from a different mother.

So given this background, I get REALLY upset when people start drama or try to call out another organization at say…a probate.

It really is SO unnecessary and immature because we have enough trouble proving our relevance to the non-greek people…and when you deliberately try to insult another group it takes us 10 million steps back in the eyes of interests and really campus. It basically reduces us to a bunch of gangs.

I’m not talking about like Que’s generally dissing Kappas or AKA’s generally dissing Deltas, because you know whatever that’s no big deal. But when you make it personal? That’s when you cross the line of propriety into disrespect.

I know for me, I have always been very against my chapter dissing other people because everybody has their issues…and not only have I been against it, I was a very vocal opponent against it especially recently and with the help of other prophytes we have been able to sway the chapter to our way of thinking.


Lord helps us all!

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  • April 21, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Just to offer an non- Greek perspective on the issue: I don’t think it was that personal…Having been there, seeing as how they didn’t call anyone out by name, I don’t think what they said was any more “specific” than one group of greeks generally dissing others. I don’t think any of the non- Greeks took it that personally. Whooo-Sahhh. It was a given given the close proximity in which the lines crossed.

  • April 21, 2008 at 3:02 pm

    I suppose it wouldn’t have been such a big deal if the ridiculousness didn’t continue to dissing on Facebook…thankfully that was rectified…


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