New Internet Addiction

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Tell me why I stayed up ALL NIGHT reading this nonsense?!

It’s a fictional story about Greek Life at “Ahlpa University.”

It’s mostly about phirst phammers as it was originally posted on the now defunct, but other orgs are included as well.

The cast of characters are a bit over the top…each person being a caricature of their orgs or stereotypical role. For example:

The Interest/crossed person dynamic.

The legacy who “skated” in the chapter and doesn’t know anything about the org. (Just describing the stereotype not a personal opinion here)

The ladies man Kappa.

The anti-greek turned greek Sigma (lol…)

The super nice SGRho…

And of course a story about Greek life would not be complete without talking about the pledge process…


It’s a lot going on.

I for one am glad NPHC at my school were kinda laid back with the drama, but it made me wish I’d crossed sooner in the days where “pledging” was in a gray area legally. Having “viewings” and things on the “yard” would be very exciting…and pledging above ground over a longer period of time would attract people who would not treat the orgs so lightly as people saw the hard work it took to become a member of the Divine Nine.

It’s not all about parties and stepping or even pledging! It’s a serious matter! Lifetime stuff!

Funny how the older Sorors and Frat who literally pledged for six months are all up in arms over the younger members trying to do the same. LOL it’s almost ironic. All the prophytes across the organizations are all like, “ya’ll don’t have no respect for the org…” yet when it comes to membership intake, they want to dumb down the most cherished and respected rituals and history lessons that made their “Greek Experiences” so meaningful and expect to have the same caliber of members they did back in the day.

I mean come on people…clearly…

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1 Comment

  • April 17, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    how about I have another group paper where 75% of it is individual contribution….ummmm why in the “ricky bell hell” (pours out some likka for BruthCode) is this a group paper! 75%!


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