Special Delivery


I’ve been seeing Ur-sher’s new video floating around the internet.

I have to say, I wasn’t impressed.

I think his best album to date is Confessions…I remember when it came out…

It was spring semester of my freshman year.

I was hardcore IG-ing for AKA…showing up at all their programs…befriending them and such.

I remember a couple of us IG’s were riding over to Emory together to see the chapter step with Nu Alpha as we are sister chapters (founded on the same day with the same overseeing grad chapter) and they were commemorating charter day.

Another IG’s brother was taking us there. We all piled in his mustang and he blasted Usher’s Confessions album.

All the girls I IG’d with ended up being my prophytes as I pledged fall of my junior year (my chapter tends to have fall lines and I hadn’t met their 30 hour minimum rule for Fall 04…I was at like 26 or something).

Because of that semester…I think Ur-sher will forever be associated with my prophytes (or at least the line that crossed before mine).

In their honor, Special Delivery: First Class, Pony Express, COD, and Handle With Care… I give you selections of Ur-sher’s Confessions:


P.S. A year ago today…me and Gam became official. Not sure if it counts as an anniversary since there was a 6 month gap in there, but still….lol…

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