DC Weekend Adventure #3 : Dinner and a Party


So as I mentioned before a co-worker who is also an Alpha (and from Ghana…go figure), contacted me in effort to make a networking connection. He initially suggested lunch, but since I’d been busy for most of the week I suggested maybe lunch sometime during the weekend. He agreed and we decided to go to dinner, have a short stint at his prophyte’s house, then go to a birthday party for another co-worker.

So we ended up going to this place called Bossa for dinner. It seemed like it would be a jazz restaurant with heavy African influences as that’s what it pretty much said on the menu outside the place. Although it had all different types of jazz from the African Diaspora, and although it did have all kinds of art out of Africa, it was actually an Italian restaurant…which left me confused. What’s worse, the photos they had of Africa were of starving Africans…which kind of made you lose your appetite…

So yeah…very eclectic place, but also kind of bad…

After dinner we made our way to Maryland to meet up with the group. Turns out it’s a small world. A lot of them were Morehouse grads, and some of them even knew my LS’s! I was actually at one of the dude’s probates as he crossed the season after me. I’ll always love that phirst pham connection…we really are like family. I can see Alpha co-worker and I being buddies…defintely apparent that was the intent as he was preparing for a booty call after the party.

After people had their first round of jungle juice, (I declined…I ain’t know those people and that stuff gets me GONE!) We caravanned down to Alexandria for the co-worker’s party.

THIS guy was an interesting dude…he was turning just 25, but he looked so much older…in fact he was looking like a cleaned up Katt Williams!

. . .

Seriously. I’m not even joking.

It was crazy to think that I have an ex that’s older than him. (Not GAM, the one before him…sorry that’s probably TMI…)


The party had so many different types of people…gay people, lesbians, white people, but mostly Black young professionals. Here are a couple of notable events:


So I’m sitting on the couch scoping out the scene and a very drunk Becky comes up and starts talking to her friends. She mentioned that she “wanted a boy” and proceeded to talk about how h0rny she got when she drank. Not 10 minutes later, she was latched on to the drunkest Black dude there, I mean, he had a bottle of Moet in one hand, and a cigar in the other…dude was GONE! They disappeared for a while and he came back looking traumatized.


I saw this one dude/chick that looked exactly like Smokey Robinson. He/She had the same hair, eyes, everything! I have an inkling that he/she might be a he because I saw them grinding on some chick later on, but I can’t be sure because…


I don’t think I’ve ever met any Black lesbians, but I did tonight. One was super feminine while the other was kinda “butch.” They were pretty cool, the “butch” one was Trinidadian and Jamaican which once again is interesting to me. I hear homophobia is 100 times worse in the Caribbean than it is here, ESPECIALLY in Jamaica, so I wondered if she came out to her family…


I don’t mean to offend anyone who goes to Spe.lman or anyone who has friends there, but if you went to school in Atlanta, you have an idea of what I mean when I say “She goes/went to Spel.man.” They tend to have the reputation of being hedonistic, snooty, hang on the Alpha’s because they’re “popular” (or outside the AUC, hanging on to Mor.ehouse dudes because they went to Mor.ehouse), wearing clothes that say “I want dudes to look at me so I’m going to wear this super short and tight skirt with really tall heels even though it’s 28 degrees outside,”

And they also travel in packs.

I’m not hating AT ALL, but I swear I felt like I was back in college when I saw them gallivanting about.

I had never been so glad to have gone to Georgia Tech.


Another Morehouse grad was kinda friendly towards me (half the dudes at the party were from there). He made sure to always check in with me brought me strawberries and sat and watched me eat them… I admit I did flirt with him a little bit, but sue me. Even though I just broke it off with GAM, I ain’t had no kind of male attention in I don’t know how long. I swear I wasn’t eating the strawberries in any special way either…

I made the mistake of giving him my number and he kept texting me descriptions of inappropriate things he wanted to do to me all night. I eventually told him to back off and he did.

Too bad he wasn’t cooler, we actually did have a lot in common. He does advertising for Giant magazine in New York and that could have been a great networking connection. I think he thought since I was new to the area, young, and fresh out of college, I would fall for anything.

Actually, I just looked him up on the magazine’s website and it looks like he’s kind of a big deal…

Oh well. Money and prestige doesn’t buy me so he still gets a “Whamp, whamp.”


Although it took me an hour and a half to get to DC from my apartment, the way back took exactly 28 minutes. No traffic, all green lights, even going the speed limit! That probably won’t happen during reasonable hours of the day (it was 3 AM when I was driving back) but still it made me feel a bit better about going there.

So overall, it was an eventful Saturday. I don’t think I found my New Year’s Eve peeps yet because this group was a bit too much for me, but they are cool people nonetheless.

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  • December 2, 2007 at 6:58 pm

    It’s good to see you are settling into your new area and life. Sorry about the breakup. Um, those HIV statistics are alarming..

  • December 4, 2007 at 9:35 am

    Silly me! I hoped that those S’man girls grew up after they left the AUC. Oh well…

  • December 12, 2008 at 12:30 am

    […] 11:33 Run into frat that I went to dinner and a party with about this time last year […]


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