No Skaters.


You know what?

Even though this entire weekend was devoted to Greek related duties and I would have given anything to stay sleep in my bed, I have to say, I’ve never been prouder to be an AKA.

If you’re in the ATL get ready for a sudden influx of almost 3000 AKA’s age 16 to 99. I apologize in advance for the attitudes people will encounter, they’re my Sorors though so go easy on them.

Saturday morning and into the afternoon was spent sitting in on a steering committee meeting for the conference. I felt somewhat privileged to be there in that I sat in the room with some of the most powerful people in the region, AND they actually took the time to answer questions and make themselves available.

I especially got fuzzy feelings when an older Soror, maybe 74 years old sat down with me and had a conversation. She wasn’t saying “don’t haze” or the usual spiel the grads say, she was genuinely interested in who I was, where I was from, and was just dispensing all this knowledge. . .

It’s easy to get discouraged and disillusioned when you’re working for your Greek org and thinking all your work is going unnoticed, ESPECIALLY when people “hate” and say Greeks don’t do anything, but when you get together with like minded people with just as much drive as you have, you realize that you are part of something that EVERYONE puts their hearts into. As the Conference chairwoman says, “this is our labor of love.”

Being an AKA has afforded me countless opportunities. I’ve developed myself SO MUCH both with the help of my chapter and regional and even national programs and positions. It’s always so amazing to meet my phenomenal Sorors… in the past two months, I’ve met more past International (and current) Presidents of AKA than I can shake a stick at…and each of them…such role models.

No matter if your chapter has 2 or 200 people…

EVERYBODY is staying up until four and five in the morning doing chapter business.
NOBODY has free weekends due to meetings and conferences.
It is NOT an option to skate into and through Divine Nine organizations.

It’s not about step shows.
It’s not about “beefs” between organizations.
It’s not about parties.
It’s not about strolling…or anything else.

It’s about WORKING for a common purpose, whatever that purpose may be.

It’s what you sign up for from the day you take that oath to the day you die.


I think EVERYONE should attend the public meetings we have as a part of regional conference. If you went to a school where AKA was all bougie or they didn’t really do anything or whatever, go see what we do as an international organization. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Here’s info about the one coming up in the ATL. SAVE THE DATE! WE MIGHT HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST!

AKA South Atlantic Region Public Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia
Thursday, February 22, 2007
7:30 PM Downtown Marriot Marquis Hotel

To sum up my endorsement of Greek life…AKA especially…

When you here my Sorors say “it’s a SERIOUS matter”, that is NOT just a little chant or song.

It’s a way of life.

Working hard, and looking good while doing it!

Skee wizzle!

You think it just takes pink and green or just a pretty face.
Light skin or long hair are the women those letters grace.

Well, you couldn’t be more wrong about my beloved sorority.
Chocolate, honey, and caramel are the shades of ebony you’ll see.

It takes more than nice clothing, bouncy hair, and a pretty face,
It takes distinction, class, style, and the highest GPA.

You must sacrifice, persevere, and carry yourself as a woman should.
These are some of the qualities to possess, to be a part of my exclusive sisterhood.

Don’t be grating to the members, do your research on your own,
You may find that ALPHA land was not meant to be your home.

To wear these lovely colors of salmon pink and apple green,
you must be a sophistAKAted, college-educated, refined black queen.

Don’t expect it to come easy every day you’ll need to pray,
To be so blessed to cross the threshold of AKA.

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