Good Times


Ahh oh my goodness.

I. AINT. DOING. ISHT. for the rest of the day. Had a bake sale this morning then drove out to Decatur to pick up our line jackets (woot! front back) from my line sister’s house. Drove back, went to the game (we won). It’s so hot out there!

I haven’t even eaten real food today. I had..let’s see…4 sugar cookies (they were small), a rice krispy treat, half a bag of cotton candy, and a coke. Which is unfortunate. I’ve been drinking insane amounts of water though to help my kidney process all that. But man…look at me, someone prone to stones and I”m eating stuff like my kidneys are all that and a bag of chips… let me knock on wood before i get myself in trouble…

In other news…

The concert last night was really nice. Earl Klugh played some of my favorite songs and I had good company. I always find Ferst Center concerts entertaining not only because of the musicians, but because of the audience. It was a more diverse this time. Usually it’s about 89% Caucasian in the 40 to 70 age range, but this time a lot of parents were in the audience as local high schools were having enrichment activities and received free tickets. There were amusements from exclamations of “you go boy” to Caucasian persuasion people and their offbeat clapping.  Stereotypes all around, but evidence that stereotypes aren’t based on nothing.

Afterwards, my companion and I went searching for a place to eat and ended up at a café called Apres Diem. It was a really nice place. I’d been there before for a tea when I was an interest for AKA, but it was daytime. The environment was totally different at night. Actually to be honest, it was a really romantic place. I highly recommend it. The companion took up a table on the patio and had interesting conversation. He was a very eclectic person racially and even with his ideas. (He’s black/german/white and was born in Portugal) Coming from Morehouse, I asked what life was like over there and what was different. Learned a lot about that as well as how Greeks are viewed over there in the AUC.  I have to say, I don’t think I would have been Greek had I gone to an AUC college but that’s another story.

Usually when it comes time to pay the bill it seems a little awkward but I wasn’t even trying to offer to pay. In my mind I was like, “Oh best believe you’re paying for my dinner! I paid 10 dollars for yo concert ticket nikka!”

Other than the waitress dropping part of my meal in my lap, it was a pleasant experience. (I should have gotten a free desert out of that or something…darn my empathetic nature…)

Good times though. Now I’m about to take an epic nap and just chill until it all starts again tomorrow…

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