Career Fair Stuff



Today has been the longest day ever created.

I guess the easiest way to describe is to go by time.

Midnight Work on website to beat deadline/wash hair

1:30 upload website for client

2:00 Iron clothes print resumes for career fair

3:00 See interesting resume format and print some with that layout

4:00 Go to sleep printing design samples

5:45 AM Wake up with a migraine. Take fake narcotic, apply Head On (don’t knock that stuff it works wonders!) and lay down

6:30 AM Fall asleep

7:30 Wake up blow dry hair

8:00 Go to Career Fair to help set up

9:30 Start talking to companies

Anecdote: A Microsoft rep knew who I was! I went up and introduced myself and one of the reps came over and was like, “where you in the NSBE skins challenge this spring?” (that was the contest i was in to get the 360) and I was like, “yeah!” She said she remembered me and my skin and that I did a good job on it. I was like, “woot!” Every time I passed their booth after that they were like, “Hey KaNisa!”

Hail yeah! Remember my name when you’re giving out jobs though please.

10:00 Become company lackey

12:00 Class

Anecdote: Apparently Tech was in the news for laying out flags representing all the people that died in the World Trade Center. A guy was out on the walkway nearby holding a sign that said “The lives lost on September 11 should not be reduced to American flags” We had a class debate about it, I might write on it later, it was an involved conversation I can’t quite be critical about now due to lack of brain activity.

1:00 Company lackey
Anecdote: I was walking by a company when they kind of pulled me over and said, “we like your major.” (We have our names and majors written on our nametags). They told me about what they did, and got my information. The company was Citrix. Take note of that.

2:00 Visit career services and get some lunch

3:00 Career fair registration desk

4:14 Receive call from Citrix requesting an interview (WOOT!)

5:00 Training for my job

7:30 Microsoft Information Session
Anecdote: They still knew me! Said “hey KaNisa” and everything. They had a person there that had the job I wanted (Programs Manager). Standing in line, the guy in front of me got confused. Instead of giving a 30 second elevator speech, he gave a 15 minute monologue. I kid you not. I counted. Everyone was like, LEAVE. PLEASE!

10:00 Return to room.

I’m dead tired, but I feel like today was very productive. Now I will be researching this company and getting this homework done.


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  • September 12, 2006 at 5:41 pm

    What’s your major again?

  • September 13, 2006 at 2:08 am

    It’s Science, Technology, & Culture. The broad definition of that is a degree that studies the impact science and technology have on society.


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