What? Okay…


It has been a very long and eventful day.

 After getting back from an extremely long chapter gathering around midnight (my line didn’t get yelled at! We’re making strides!), I hung with one of my ls’s to learn a step we were considering for our NPHC exhibition. We ended up doing that till about one after which I returned to my room to find some of my roommates talking. I joined in and we spent another hour or so just hanging out, until someone suggested that we make a run to Steak and Shake around 3.

I was only a little uncomfortable there. Being the only black person in a restaurant full of post club Caucasian persuasions, I have to say my fight or flight reflexes were on. We all enjoyed good conversation though.

I felt like a real college student for once.

After our little expedition I was OUT just about…feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Things started up again around 11 this morning. I’d gotten a text from one of my line sisters asking if I wanted to go to the mall to purchase some clothing for the NPHC cookout. Me being a money conscious person who is not trying to spend any more than necessary, said no and that I would make do with what I had.  I really appreciated that she asked though. I’m really making headway with my line…

After that, I was about to return to blissful sleep, but my mother called. After another call from someone else I just gave up on the sleep stayed busy until step practice…which was quite productive…

(WHICH by the way. It seems my lovechild had been hijacked by a no talent having web designer. I was so PISSED to see that my three year reign of Georgia Tech NSBE’s telecommunications chair has been followed by such an example of unacceptability…I mean…boo. I hope people don’t try to associate that with me…I might even step in to redo that isht…)


Cookout set up was about 4:30. People really came out for it I was impressed. We’d made up a few new strolls that we debuted..I think as a whole we all made a good impression on any prospective candidates. We all had the fun “being greek is the best thing ever” *cough thing going on and people were watching everyone’s strolls with starry eyes and everything…

Black Greeks aren’t too big on campus so hopefully we can get the numbers back to what they were back in the day when everyone had houses…

 After the cookout I returned to my room to take a nap as a prophyte and I were attending a get together at an Alpha’s house. We drove out to Stone Mountain and really just sat and made commentaries on what was going on. I really liked that party, although I didn’t really do much, I like how when people danced, they actually danced they didn’t grind. People weren’t even “relating” it was just a bunch of people together socializing, dancing, playing cards, and enjoying libations. There were a few comments for the 108 memory book such as, “people who can dance are good at sex,” and some shady people were trying to holler, but overall it was a enlightening experience.

Like I said though, man I DON’T like people in my space that I don’t know! Don’t touch me! You don’t know me! Take three steps back…man i feel like I should wash myself in bleach and wear clothes up to my, shoot, nose!

I mean, granted, today I asked for people to look at me lasciviously with the twins on display after a successful booty and breasts plan, but still, there is a line of decorum…next time I’m wearing something else with that shirt…

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Different World Reunion


  • August 27, 2006 at 4:53 pm

    your black greeks sound like the ones here at USC.

  • August 28, 2006 at 5:37 pm

    Hey, just a suggestion – maybe you should have taken your line sister up on her offer, not really to buy anything but just to go and get to know her better. The cookout sounds fun. I miss house parties and strolls.


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