I’m Back, I’m bold, Maybe even beautiful…


Weellll I decided to go ahead and start anew with this blogging thing. New rules (for myself and others)

1. From this point forward, I KaNisa, shall not subject my poor readers to any “poor me” entries.

2. Uncensored will not be censored for much longer. However, I do need some beta readers for criticism. I need a few representatives from each sex so please contact me via yahoo (imistyminxi)or email for the password if you’re up for it. (I’m usually on Yahoo but I’m invisible to avoid old bp people…) The only stipulation is that you cannot attend or have not ever attended Georgia Tech and that I don’t know you in real life (except for that person and his two nosy friends who have already seen what’s in there. Yeah I know about you two mmm hmmm…)

Seriously though…

I know some of you are curious, statcounter don’t lie. Sate your curiosity! Don’t make me beg…

3. I KaNisa shall only write meaningful entries. No more blog quizzes or such things unless three is extensive explanation.

4. I KaNisa will no longer change the location of my blog. I’m here to stay on my own domain.

I think that’s enough rules for now. I’ll keep you posted if any new ones come to mind.

SO I’m back in the ATL. It’s very strange living in a different dorm. I spent sophomore and junior year in the same room with AKA’s and AKA to be’s (-1 who I wished would have been an AKA) so it’s interesting to live in a different dorm with roommates I don’t know. So far I’ve conversted with one, she’s a good ole girl (equivalent to a good ole boy) who likes to talk and be nosy. I indulged her for an hour, but man, she can talk a hind leg off a donkey….

It’s also strange because people I have never seen before in life know my name (somewhat). I can’t count how many times people said hey to me and I had no idea who they were. I was just like, “Hey! Good to see you?” subtext: Negro, I don’t know you!

Some old chester was checking me out and kept winking at me while their child went to get something. I wanted to say, “wink at me one more time, ONE MORE TIME, and I’ll snatch your eyeball out,” But I just stood behind my mother so he couldn’t see anything important.

The other weird thing about living in this complex is that there is a plethora of black athletes living here. At my old place, you could stand out in the lobby and see no one you knew, much less anyone black. I called myself going to get something from one of my line sisters dressed in a t-shirt, some Mickey Mouse shorts, and a head wrap and I swear, about a quarter of the football team chose that time to walk by. I was like, “maaan…” (While I would NEVER indulge one of those “males” who think they are God’s gift to vaginas, you still gotta let them know they you’re beautiful and that they’d never have a chance). It didn’t help that the particular line sister I was talking to is one of the prettiest people on campus….

Whatever though. Next time gadget.

Let me go now. I’ve been sitting in front of the computer for the past couple of days trying to get this layout together and my head feels like it’s about to implode…

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“First day of school here we go!”


  • August 21, 2006 at 4:42 pm

    So I just found the other spot yesterday and now I am at the new spot. Like the layout.

  • August 21, 2006 at 6:19 pm

    LOL! I noticed that! Glad you came to visit though!


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