Probably TMI…


Might be TMI, you have been forewarned.

The job changed our prescription coverage for 2016…we’re now with C.VS instead of Scripts. I mostly forgot about this change until it was time to start a new pack of pills for the lady bits so there was a gap of a few days in there.

Doesn’t actually matter that much since nothing is going on down there anyway, but I do use these to manage migraines and skin stuff. Had a few pop ups and migraines due to my lack of planning. The estrogen spikes are generally what makes me prone to those, so I take progesterone only methods to cut down on their frequency. Over the past 5 years, I’ve probably had like 4 periods (vs 60).

From Depo-Provera from a few years ago….which was fine actually, skin SUPER smooth and no periods, but I basically had no emotions (less than usual, ha) or “desire” drive.

To about a year with nothing and I called myself “cleaning out my system”…disaster skin wise. I am honest enough to say that my diet is trash and bc is a crutch so I can keep eating what I want. The “desire” drive emotions made the days interesting though…(un)holy crap! The periods I did have came after several months of being off the Depo…

To a stint with Heather most of last year…a mini-pill with no sugar pills. Cleared the skin again and leveled the “desire” drive. To be honest it was previously super distracting! Periods stopped again with this one.

Now they have me on Camilla which is another sugarless mini-pill. I think my system is working itself out with it. Random emotions on this one (overwhelming urge to cry when hearing the “I just might be a Black Bill Gates in the making” lyric on Bouncy’s song during the drive in this morning. I held it in though because it’s what I do). I also think there’s a slight uptick in “desire” drive. Just randomly looking at dudes and thinking “I wonder what they would look like while….[censored]. I also have cycles where I really want to be hugged by someone who is not family or acquaintance.

Like today for example.

I have a 3 migraine (down from 8 this morning) and I want to be in bed covered up with a level 2 engagement pillar dude. Not even for THAT, just affection!

Level 1 : "Kicking it" No relations, just hanging out. 60% pillar 
requirement overall. If you start here, you stay here.
Level 2 : "Friends with benefits" 70% pillar requirement for each 
pillar. If you start here, you may graduate to Level 3 upon mutual
Level 3 : "Mate" Committed version of level 2. Career accommodation, 
Babies, Long Term Relationship and/or marriage happen here. 70% 
pillar requirement for each pillar. You cannot start here, must 
graduate from Level 2 upon mutual agreement.
For more information, see Levels of Engagement

It also doesn’t help that MoNa pulled a SIKE and it’s cold outside after being mild last week…

Happy Monday I guess…

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  • March 23, 2016 at 9:26 pm

    What a different blog this would be if you were never on projestin. Did you write the pillars under the ‘influence’?

  • March 23, 2016 at 9:32 pm

    No, but I did write its predecessor under the influence…

    Current pillars are basically a summary of If by Ruyard Kipling…but not expecting that level of perfection…


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