Float On


Had my first float experience today. Lessons learned :

  1. Don’t drink caffeine within 24 hours of your float, hard to keep still otherwise
  2. Bring flip flops you have to take a shower before you go in.
  3. Eat and relieve yourself before you go grumbling stomach and having to use it is distracting.
  4. TURN YOUR PHONE OFF BEFORE YOU GO IN everyone decided to call while I had my session. Had to get up and turn it off which kind of defeated the purpose of going in the first place… (90 minutes of undisturbed time in a sensory deprivation chamber)
  5. If you have long braids, go before you get them installed or after you take them out braids are heavy. They didn’t pull my head down, but there was extra strain if I didn’t have my hands behind my head
  6. If you are uncomfortable in the dark, this is not for you I don’t have problems with the dark, but it was a bit creepy at first because it truly was PITCH BLACK in there. You get used to it though.
  7. If you have just personal anxiety issues you’re not ready to face, this is not for you there’s even a waiver you have to sign to say you’re not suicidal. You’re also not supposed to be on drugs, but I feel like some people are anyway.
  8. If you’re into lucid dreaming, meditation, or other new-agey stuff, this IS for you it started to get good to me toward the end. I did have a few moments of awareness shifts…like  I felt like I was truly floating in midair. I think I could have achieved that sooner and for longer periods of time had I not had all the calls earlier…and had I not had a Dr Pepper about two hours before I went. Also they say people see things in there too because your brain is bored.
  9. Really make the most of the experience it does work best if you’re naked. It’s safe. You can lock the door and nobody’s checking for you. The aim is to minimize or eliminate ALL distractions, even the weight of clothes or them brushing against you or constricting you is distracting.
  10. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING AROUND YOUR EYES I thankfully avoided this. They say it burns with the fire of a thousand suns. I did put some of the water on my face for the epsom salt benefits though. Skin is baby booty soft.

Overall, would recommend! I went here. Search the google for “Flotation therapy’ “Sensory deprivation tanks” “Isolation chambers” for a similar place near you!

Mine was a room and not a pod like his, but the experience he describes is accurate.

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