New Health Kick


I decided to do this for some reason :

Today was day one.

I walked weird for about 10 minutes after.

I’m weak as water.

I suppose I’m going to for the Jada look, though she’s more petite than me…

I also have a bit more of a waist than her, but other than that, it’s her tone I’m going for.

Mostly just want my jeans to fit right for the fall so I won’t have to get them altered. Just need to fill them out a bit more…maybe gain an inch or two around my hips?

SO days are like :

Wake up

Ab/squat challenge.

Drink warm lemon water with a spoon of local honey (Skin purging has peaked I believe. I got breakouts in places I don’t usually and am they’re now starting to clear up).

Do my Luminosity workout.

Get ready for work.



Work part II.

Shower with tea tree stuff from the body shop.

Burning face mask every other day (to fade scars)

Face spray with Epsom salt/water overnight to clear up baddies.

Warm lemon water concoction.



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  • August 5, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    Are you sore today? The challenge really does look demanding. Please keep a log of your workouts. Would like to know how long each exercise takes you to do and if you do each continuously, and how much rest you take between exercises.

    • August 5, 2014 at 9:01 pm

      I am sore! Good reminder. I need to measure and weigh myself to see if it’s working.


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