Wednesday Wind Down


Dude I’m 100% exhausted and have been all day.

14 hours in the office yesterday only to come home and do more work. Got about 4 hours of sleep last night and trucked it in for some meetings today.

Outside of meetings, I was pretty much worthless. Probably was able to clear one thing from my desk, but got about 6 or 7 new things piled on…

Just tired…

On the plus side, after a disappointing first attempt during their 10 AM sales and a terrible web experience, I was able to cop 2 VIP tickets to this :

Was sitting on the fence about going until they said Bino was opening for them. I’d gotten a CounterPoint ticket to see OutKast, but couldn’t find someone to go with me. Had to sell it. (It’s a little far out to go on my own).

Initially only got one for this one (I’m about 10-15 minutes away from the venue) and was cool with that, but then thought it would be cool to go with someone. If I couldn’t find anyone, I could sell it…especially since these particular tickets are selling for 600-6,000 right now for my exact same ticket. Went back to ticketmaster for another and they seemed to be sold out.

Didn’t think much of it…went on about my day.

Saw a friend say he randomly was able to get Gold level tickets, (the mid tier ones)…went back to check one more time for mine…


Now the happy owner of 2 VIP Tickets to see OutKast, Gam.bino, Kid Kudi, and a random I don’t really know!

Should be fun times!

Now to find a boo to go with…

(I feel like I always say this, then end up defecting to a parent or the roomie…)


September – OutKast & Gamb.ino VIP, Center of Puppetry Arts Patron Gala, One Music Fest
October – Cirque du Solei Amaluna three rows back from the stage
November – Radio City Rockettes (?)
December – Dave Koz and Friends Christmas VIP, Rudolph and the Centre for Puppetry Arts and more!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…summer is pretty much pointless.


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