(Late) Weekend Update


So this happened…

Me on the left of course, and my friend from G9 ,”Miss”.

There was an outstanding 2 dollar bet with a third party that I wouldn’t meet anyone at said event. I bet against myself and lost.

Miss helped in that she gave advice about what to wear…I picked her third choice because she would have had me out there looking like I belonged on the hoe stroll! (LOL)

But yeah..we’ll see how it goes. Adventure in more traditional pre-stuff I guess as he seems to be a texter?

I don’t really know very much about him except that he lives and works in Buckhead, has a condo, is an accountant with a big company (I know which one, just front street and all), is in grad school for his MBA, likes to travel internationally, and ISN’T a big video gamer.

And he’s an Alpha (it was a Phirst Pham event).

Not entirely sure if we have much in common, but haven’t talked very much to see.

He was familiar with the company I work for though which is pretty rare round these parts!

I don’t know what the etiquette is for getting to know someone outside of the context of a computer, so I’ll let him take the lead.

Time to put my money where my mouth is regarding all that stuff I said a while back about standards!





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