It’s a Party (Hey)


I actually enjoyed that movie. It was heartfelt.

NE way.

Party, party, party…

Got invited to 2 slightly past Hallowen Hallowen parties…on the same night.

One is being thrown by one of the neighbors, the other thrown by a homie from G9 who lives in Atlanta now.

The latter is a young person party…games and shots in costume before heading to a popular Atlanta club.

I figure I’d be the person with the most amount of clothes on…especially since I just paid a grip for this to be made.


(It’s en route! Arriving Friday)

But whatever. I’m wearing it to every costume party/nerd convention for the next 5 years to recoup that cost!

Might not be in the spirit of the party, but I’ll be that lame person! Would cut down on the pervs anyway…and they get extra points for knowing who I am without me telling them.

Verdict is out on the club part of that party though…I don’t know that I’m about that life anymore…

Though it would be HILARIOUS to wear that to one.

The hidden blade could come in handy….

In related news…

I thought I’d document my experience in planning my first adult house party.

I’ve collected all the addresses for the most part, not quite sure how to handle the ones to Sorors.  Always an open invite to feed the undergrads…was going to send just one invite to the chapter.

Then the locals…I have my main profeezies that I talk to regularly and my line sisters…but man just Sorors alone could amount to like 20-30 people!

Gotta figure that out.

Other than that, the list stands at 31.


The samples came!

I needed to see them in person to choose…narrowed it down to 3.

Here were the losers :

I was SUPER into the second one…but the winner won out…maybe next year?

I’ll share after I send them out officially. Don’t want to spoil it!

For the RSVP portion, I’m using a service called splashthat.


Yeah it’s essentially an evite page, but it’s a little more classed up. Tinyprints actually offers an online RSVP, but I didn’t like all their branding that was around. Doing this with a custom domain as I randomly impulse buy them anyway.

House Projects

As the main point of this IS to do the housewarming thing, I do need to finish…the house.

Really honing in on the last couple of tasks:

  • getting the patio furniture
  • new bedspread and refinishing the old bedroom furniture to close out the guest room

Second bedroom…still bit of a quandry. Thing is, the idea I had for it being a lounge/girl cave requires a good bit of more furniture.

Maybe if I can get a sectional like that for less than 400 bucks, I’ll make this happen. Otherwise…don’t know what to do with that room.


This really should have been the first thing I did…

But need to figure out how much I want to spend on this.

General ideas I have :

Hot chocolate bar

Likka bar

At home photo booth…let’s be real…photo from Erica Jr (my tablet) and a photoshop template to be emailed


Cute little takeaway gifts

Firepits for the porches (and smores!)

Chair rental

Oh and food I guess.

So that’s like what…500 bucks?

Maybe 800 at the most?

Need research that more…


Goals for this week :

  • Buy the domain
  • Research and finalize budget
  • Finalize guest list
  • Finalize design for the splashthat page
  • QA test the splashthat page to make sure it does what I want
  • Order the invitations
  • Finalize plan for the office/girl cave as that impacts party budget

October is speeding by! I need those invites out by Nov 7 and it takes about a week or two for them to print!

Winter is coming!

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