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I could be an aunt soon…didn’t really think about that! Cool!

Sister is getting serious with her guy. Parents are up there meeting him now. He’s older with a daughter…and he’s not here to play games. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it! They’ve only dated for a year and she’s like “but wait!”

Pre-qualification check! House hunt is officially on!

Of course they quoted me a HUGE number, but we’re going to set it at 200k for a rate of 3.5%. The race is on! 5 hours per weekend set aside for house hunting until end of May. Need to be under contract mid June at the very latest! Exciting! Advice appreciated!

Stranded at the client. Branded a fool. What will they say Monday at school?

Semi-late night yesterday. Got home at about 8. The meeting was literally 5.5 hours long…(we were testing web app integration end to end before sending to QA and they were fixing things as we went along.) Unfortunately, I have the most knowledge about the app so I got roped in too. Was famished by the time we were done!

Pretty much think my dad knows everything. Daddies of the world, you are a superhero in your kids’ eyes.

Got really good advice the other day! We talked about work and how generally I don’t understand the purpose of taking pie in the sky ideas seriously. He says people who can do that and learn to identify and motivate talent in others are the ones that make the best managers. A crazy person thought we could go to the moon. Someone recognized that, and found workers to figure out how to make that happen.

“Learn how to think in the grey” he says. “Especially since our family is so realistic. Don’t be limited by what you THINK you can do. I had that problem too.”

That night I was finally successful in having a lucid dream about Dona.ld G.lover. An accomplishment!

Practical application. LOL…

Quincy Jones is going to be in Atlanta soon!!!! I have to go see! Legendary!!!!

Rounding up my parents to go see Harem Member Quincy Delight Jones! I’m really excited! He’s getting up there in years and it would be sad to not see him with my own two eyes.

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And so it begins


  • May 4, 2013 at 3:33 pm

    That would be a 30 year fixed? The major US bank posted rate for that term is less than what you were quoted. Not sure about there, but here, we can usually negotiate about a point off the posted major bank rate. Amortization schedules pay down very little on the principle during the early years of the mortgage. You can save a lot of money in interest if you shorten the period of your loan or by making extra payments. (For example, if you pay an extra $100 a month, then you will save almost $25 K over 30 years.)

    I like you Dad already. I wish I saw my Dad the way you see yours.

    • May 4, 2013 at 4:43 pm

      Well taking into account that I also don’t have a long credit history and I don’t have a lot of different types of debt. (Paid off the student loan about a year after graduating and the rest is credit revolving below 20%)…

      That’s probably why it’s higher.

      I did hear about people paying more regularly just for budgeting purposes in case something goes down. Then if they need extra cash, it can come from that bucket and they’d still be making minimum payments or something…


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